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Change the page setup by using Auto Size or selecting size and orientation.Shrink to fit in Word | Microsoft Blog
By scaling your worksheet for printing, you can make your data fit to one page. You can shrink your Excel document to fit data on a designated number of. The “Scale to Paper Size” option is hidden at the bottom of the menu you get when you click the arrow beside “1 Page Per Sheet” on the Print tab. I created a custom tab called Writing and added a Print group to it. Now, I can add the Shrink One Page command to my Printing group.
Print a sheet to fit the page width On the Page Layout tab, select Page Setup. On the Page tab, select the Fit To check box. On the File menu, click Print. Word. Text is one line too long If your document is just a little bit longer than one page, how can you shrink it to fit? To do this, use the Shrink One Page command. Word will attempt to shrink the document by one page by reducing the size and spacing of the text.